987 Elmont Rd, North Valley Stream, NY 11580
Ph: (516) 285-4147 | church@stgregoriosorthodox.org
Vicar: Rev. Jerry Varghese

Spiritual Organizations

Sunday School
Our Church has a very active Sunday School under the guidance of Our Vicar and leadership of Mr. Benny Varghese and Mr. Neil Simon as the Vice Principal. We have a dedicated group of teachers and more than 200 children learning the Word of God on every Sunday after the Holy Qurbana.
To learn more about our Sunday School, please contact Mr. Benny Varghese by email at benvarghese@verizon.net.

MGOCSM - Mar Gregorios Orthodox Christian Students Movement
The Church has a very active youth group forming a strong MGOCSM. Bound within the practices and beliefs of the Orthodox Christian faith of the Three Holy Ecumenical Councils, the MGOCSM of the church is led by Joby Mathew, Christine Parambil and Taylor Oommen. MGOCSM meets every Sunday after the Holy Qurbana.

FOCUS - Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in United States
The Church has a very active FOCUS group that caters to the spiritual needs of the older youth, so that young professionals and couples over the age of 23 can come together for spiritual growth and renewal.
This is an initiative of the American Diocese.
FOCUS meets every Sunday after the Holy Qurbana and also conducts prayer meetings, Bible Studies and counselling sessions led by trained professionals.
FOCUS group is led by Lisa George and Nimmy Anthrayose.

Martha Mariam Samajam
The Martha Mariam Samajam is the women's Association of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church and aims at the spiritual growth of women.
The MMS wing of the church actively participates in charity fundraising and also promotes teaching and learning of the faith and tradition and continue to live its motto of 'pray, act and shine'.
The MMS wing is led by Reeba Paul and Aleyamma Varghese.
Mar Makarios Memorial Snehatheeram
Mar Makarios Memorial Snehatheeram is an initiative of the Church to bring all the adults under a single umbrella to promote prayer and unite the older adults to serve the Lord with all the physical capabilities and support the older generation.
Snehatheeram conducts prayer meetings at member houses or at church at least once a month.
Snehatheeram is led by Jacob Abraham and Mini Saji Koshy.